Jeff Bachant & Stephanie Cardona Full time RV Travel

We are so glad you’re here!

We are Jeff & Stephanie, avid travelers, and into all things outdoors. Camping, hiking, grilling, off-roading, paddle boarding, etc. We have always enjoyed RV travel since our first date 18 years ago.

Stephanie loves to see new places, cook and is a “retired” professional photographer.

Jeff loves all things adventure and anything to do with cars. He’s a little bit of an adrenaline junky.

We both work full time remotely. Jeff is a Senior CAD Designer and Stephanie works for a mortgage company as the Marketing Director.

We are originally from Palm Springs California, but spent two years living in beautiful Prescott Arizona before hitting the road.

We have owned 5 RV’s in 18 years and traveled on lots of weekend trips and a few 2 week trips here and there. Always wanting the trips to be longer.

We started full time in January of 2022 and made a west coast to east coast trip, and then all the way to the eastern most point of Maine, and all the way down to the southern most point in the keys. You can read our blog or check out our social platforms to see more about the adventures along the way.

We are currently on our third year of full-time travel. Follow along to see all the amazing places we will get to visit.